British Residents’ Association of Switzerland

Alan Baker, new Chairman for Romandie West.

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Welcome / Older News / Alan Baker, new Chairman for Romandie West.

Michael Bruce, having been advised to reduce his activities, retired as Chairman of Romandie West (RW) at the AGM in May. However, having started the “project” of planning that region’s 2018 Queen’s Birthday Party, he saw it through to a successful conclusion. Many thanks are due to Michael for stepping into the gap a couple of years ago at the head of RW and for doing much to build up good relations with a large number of like-minded associations in the area.

Good news is that there is no vacuum at the top of RW. We are fortunate that ALAN BAKER, a strong BRA member, has agreed to take over the helm of the region. Alan is a popular ‘activist’ in the Leman area and is known more widely in Switzerland as Vice-Chairman of the RAFA Swiss Branch and a former Royal British Legion Committee member. He was co-opted onto the BRA Council at its meeting in June and is already beavering away, planning how to help the BRA meet the challenges of remaining relevant and interesting in this busy region. We wish Alan well in his new post and I encourage all to support him and his team in looking after members’ interests in RW.

Graham Robertson, Chairman, 1 July 2018