We are organizing one more Online Apero, hopeful that as the COVID situation evolves and the weather improves, we shall be able to meet outside in future.
Meantime, join our last Zoom Apero group to catch up with friends from the comfort and safety of your own home.
Event details:
As many of you know, meeting up on Zoom is easy if you have a computer, smart phone or other mobile device.
All you have to do is click on an email link which Jan will send you, and then join in the conversation, glass in hand of course.
Discussion for 25th March
The short TED talk discussion at our last meeting was interesting and thought-provoking. So here comes the next, on another cheerful and non-Covid related topic. This is by Nobel Prize winner Elizabeth Blackburn who talks about her pioneering research into the cells that control ageing, and how we may have more influence on our own ageing than we think.
Here is the link:
Cost: Free
Reservations to:
Jan Powell on janpowell.info@gmail.com and Pam Walsh on pamela.walsh@bluewin.ch
No later than the day prior to the event to receive an invitation.
As soon as conditions improve in our region, and we feel it is safe, we will of course be able get together in person.