British Residents’ Association of Switzerland

Online Apero

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Welcome / Online Apero
Romandie-West Region

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Event Venue

Your Home Via The World Wide Web

Thank you for your event registration. The event organiser will send you a confirmation email, to confirm your reservation.

It has been too long since we have all been together and as the COVID crisis drags on, it is hard to know when we can plan an in-person social event safely in Romandie-West.
We are of course very concerned about how everyone is coping and we want to find a way to keep in closer touch. 
As we cannot meet face-to-face let’s try meeting up online!
Join us for an online aperitif on Zoom when we can chat, catch up with each other, and work out the best way to handle future social events. 

As many of you know, meeting up on Zoom is easy if you have a computer, smart phone or other mobile device.
All you have to do is click on an email link which Jan will send you, and then join in the conversation, glass in hand of course.
Please let us know if you would like to join in by sending Jan and Pam an email.


Reservations to:
Jan Powell on and Pam Walsh on
by Wednesday 9th September please.

As soon as conditions improve in our region, and we feel it is safe, we will of course be able get together in person once more. 



Registration Form
Number of participant(s) Name & Surname 1 Date of event Email address Phone number Additional Information