British Residents’ Association of Switzerland


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Dear BRA Members,

We are passing a milestone with the 250th issue of the Bulletin!

Another New Year and lots of new and interesting events for you all to enjoy.
We can slowly start to shake off the winter blues and look forward to spring.
This year Easter Sunday falls on the 20th April. Easter’s exact date varies so
much because it actually depends on the moon! Easter Sunday is set to
coincide with the first Sunday after the “Paschak Full Moon”. This year the
first full moon of spring falls on the 12th April.

We welcome Trevor Greenwood to the Council for the Romandie West
Region. Trevor will be co-opted until the AGM.

Anzac Day will be celebrated on the 25th April and on behalf of
the Members of the British Residents’ Association, we will lay
a wreath at the Commonwealth War Graves Commission
Cemetery at St. Martin’s Church in Vevey.                                                                                                                                                                         

I am delighted to say that you responded really well to the membership letter
and we have already received an overwhelming number of subscriptions. If,
for whatever reason, you did not receive the letter please let me know. Our
Bulletins are due on the 1st February, 1st May, 1st August and the 1st
November. Let us also know if you do not receive one.

Our AGM will once again be held at the Hotel Bern on Friday, the 30th May so
we are looking forward to seeing as many as possible of you there. Full
details will be printed in our next Bulletin 251 which you will receive on the 1st
May. Please note the date, details will already be on the website in April.

Very sadly, on the 11th November, 2024 our Member and former Chairman
Michael Rogers OBE passed away. Please see his Obituary in Bulletin 250, on page 8.

Angela S. Meier-Jones
Hon. BRA Chairwoman